Azuma Makoto Exhibition ”X-Ray FLOWERS”
2025年3月20日(木)より、京都新聞ビル地下1階にてAMKKによる個展「X-Ray FLOWERS」を開催いたします。
Date : 2025 3.20 [Thu] - 30 [Sun]
Time : 11:00 - 18:00 (17:30 最終入場)入場無料
※ 初日 20 [Thu] 14:00 オープニング・パフォーマンス
協賛:株式会社セーニャ 青幻舎 大槻ポンプ工業株式会社 MAESTRO 河野脳神経外科病院 HUILAN WHISKY DISTILLERY
フラワーアーティストの東信は、これまで幾多の表現を通じて花や植物の美しさや可能性を探求してきた。世界各地で巨大なBotanical Sculpture といった革新的なインスタレーションを手がける一方で、花が咲いて枯ち果てるまでの変容を捉えた映像作品から子ども向けのアニメーション制作まで、常に花の持つ無限の可能性と命の尊さに対峙している。こうした活動の中で、2018年頃より、彼の関心は花の内部構造へも広がりを見せ、レントゲン撮影を通じた未知の領域への挑戦がスタートした。
Starting on Thursday, March 20, 2025, AMKK will hold a solo exhibition "X-Ray FLOWERS" on the B1F of the Kyoto Shimbun Building.
Date : 2025 3.20 [Thu] - 30 [Sun]
Time : 11:00 - 18:00 (17:30 Last entry)
Free admission
20 [Thu] 14:00 - OPENING Live performance: ALGIERS
Location: The Kyoto Shimbun Building B1 Floor
Address: 239-B1F, Shoshoichi-cho, Karasuma-dori, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto
Flower artist Azuma Makoto has explored the beauty and potential of flowers and plants through numerous forms of expression. While he has created innovative installations such as monumental Botanical Sculptures around the world, he also engages with the transformation of flowers from bloom to decay through video works and even produces animations for children. Throughout these activities, he continually confronts the infinite possibilities of flowers and the preciousness of life. Since around 2018, his interests have expanded to the internal structures of flowers, leading him to embark on a challenge into unknown realms through X-ray imaging. This exhibition showcases the film originals captured during X-ray photography, as well as videos obtained through CT scans.
"X-Ray FLOWERS" reveals the inner workings of plants that are beyond human visual perception. It is an attempt to delve deeper into the essence of flowers and plants, moving beyond their surface beauty. The intricate details of leaf veins, the delicacy of petals, the strength of stems, the depths of roots, and even the minutiae of contained seeds are illuminated, showcasing the vital breath of life that resides within them. Every petal and stem exists in harmony, presenting a form that is astonishingly beautiful and powerful. Within these miraculous structures, which are beyond human comprehension, cells accumulate to form a single flower, and the aggregation of these flowers connects to the fields and mountains, contributing to the rich tapestry of our world. Reflecting on this, it can be said that all of Azuma's projects represent a collection of life from the microcosm of cells to the macrocosm of the Earth's stratosphere. This exhibition allows for a thorough exploration of that microscopic world.
With advancements in technology, a world previously unseen has been made visible, allowing us to witness the intricate and sublime realm of plants from a new perspective. Beyond the darkness, a diverse and mysterious botanical world quietly emerges, illuminated by the light of discovery.