Botanical Sculpture: Sequía y Sombra (Drought and Shadow)

Botanical Sculpture: Sequía y Sombra (Drought and Shadow)

  • Botanical sculpture
April 22, 2018
Jujuy, Argentina

Sequía y Sombra was an extension of Azuma's works that place flowers in environments that are usually inhospitable to plant life. In this case, he used yo locally sourced dried sunflowers to create an installation, around three metres high, on a salt lake in the north of Argentina.
The surroundings of the salt lake and the sunflowers proved to be a splendid combination. This project was exhibited at the 2019
BIENALSUR art biennial in Argentina.

Sequía y Sombraは、通常植物が生息できない環境に花を配置するという東の作品の延長線上にある。今回は、アルゼンチン北部の塩湖に、地元の乾燥ひまわりで高さ約3メートルのインスタレーションを制作した。

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